There, There, There


Walkie talkie, a scale, and forms

For my second EPS stamp window, I collaborated with Marissa Falco. I created the Erstwhile Philatelic Society Executive Passport Services (EPSEPS) offices, a DMV equivalent for evaluating participant passports and stamp collections on a variety of metrics. I wrote forms, which Marissa created confusing bureaucratic designs for. I created a central office and three different stations for participants to visit, each one staffed by an EPSEPS representative. The event was well-attended, and I was proud of the intersection of whimsy and bureaucracy we were able to create.


The Erstwhile Philatelic Society Executive Passport Services (EPSEPS) branch office will be open on Saturday, August 10th, 2019 from 11:18am to 1:28pm. Form 415 (Request for Documentation for Requisition of Hitherto Unreceived Stamp) will be available for completion. Upon successful completion of any relevant subsequent paperwork, petitioners will be able to complete Form 5340270 (Requisition Approval for Hitherto Unreceived Stamp) which, upon completion, will result in receipt of the highly coveted There, there, there Back of Passport stamp. In order to complete the necessary paperwork at this branch office, the following items will be required:

+ One unaddressed envelope and 55¢ of uncancelled United States postage.
+ Yourself and your EPS Passport.
+ If you have EPS passport pages but no Passport, bring those.
+ If you have stamps but neither Passport nor pages, you certainly should attend, and bring the aforementioned stamps. The bureaucracy will accommodate you.
+ If you have neither Passport nor pages nor stamps, but perhaps a philatelic friend, the bureaucracy will accommodate you, but you must (MUST) bring yourself.
+ If you cannot attend and wish to send an agent in your place, YES, and they must (MUST) bring your EPS passport and/or pages and/or stamps and a note of authorization from you stating their authorization of them as your representative.

Laminated stamps for one of the stations

Name badges for EPSEPS staffers

Preparing the forms for return to their owner with freshly perforated stamps